Create Non-Classroom Acitivity


  • You can create drafts for these activities(except for classroom):
    Assignment;Test; Recorded Lesson; Resources; Discussion; Answer Sheet; Recurring Assignment ;



HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

Encoding Format

  • UTF-8

Request Data

Key Required Type Description
X-EEO-SIGN Yes string Signature; see the rules here
X-EEO-UID Yes string Institution's SID
X-EEO-TS Yes string Timestamp


key Required Type Description Rules Description
courseId Yes integer Class (Course) ID
unitId Yes integer Unit ID
activityType Yes integer Type 2=Assignment;3=Test;4=Recorded Lesson;5=Resources;6=Discussion;7=Answer Sheet;8=Recurring Assignment
name Yes String activity name Length must not exceed 50 characters.
teacherUid Yes integer teacher ID
startTime No integer Start time of the activity Must be a Unix Epoch timestamp (in seconds) within the next 3 years
endTime Yes integer End time of the activity Must be a Unix Epoch timestamp (in seconds)


Key Type Sample Value Description
code integer 1 error code
msg string error msg
data array [] returned data
 └ object object
  └ name integer "it's a draft" Activity name
  └ activityId integer 26019953 Activity ID


  • HTTP 请求
POST /lms/activity/createActivityNoClass HTTP/1.1
Host: root_url
X-EEO-SIGN: 37471286c6cfb95c4afb899396b884e2
X-EEO-UID: 409864
X-EEO-TS: 1722937773
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 165

    "courseId": 414193,
    "name": "draft for test",
  • Shell cURL 模拟请求指令
curl -X POST \
     -H 'Host: root_url' \
     -H 'X-EEO-SIGN: 37471286c6cfb95c4afb899396b884e2' \
     -H 'X-EEO-UID: 409864' \
     -H 'X-EEO-TS: 1722937773' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"courseId": 414193,  "unitId":22360790,"activityType":2, "name": "draft of test", "teacherUid":1006368, "startTime":1724134581,"endTime":1724138181}' \

响应示例(正常时返回的 json 数据包示例)

    "code": 1,
    "msg": "程序正常执行",
    "data": {
        "name": "draft of test",
        "unitId": 26020895

Error Code Descriptions

Error Code Descriptions
147 No information for this class
40020 unit not exist
40031 Unit activity count exceeded
21601030 Missing required parameters
101001001 Parameter error
101002005 Signature exception
101002006 Timestamp expired
101002008 imestamp does not exist
121601020 Business parameter error
121601021 Course does not belong to the current institution
121601022 Course is not a standard course
121601023 Course has expired

results matching ""

    No results matching ""