Revision History

5.4.2 2024-10

New changes to the Cloud Drive related APIs:

ClassIn has upgraded its cloud drive service, transitioning from School Courseware to Organizational Cloud Storage. The adaptations are as follows:

  • The original "Courseware" files will be migrated to the "School Resources" folder within the organization's cloud storage. The original folder and file IDs will remain unchanged. Files uploaded via the API will be directed to the relevant directory in the "School Resources" folder wihtin the organizational cloud storage.

  • The ID obtained from the interface Get Top-Level Folder ID before the migration will no longer represent the top-level ID of the organizational cloud storage. Instead, it will be the ID of the "School Resources" folder within the organizational cloud storage. You can retrieve it again to obtain the top-level ID of the organizational cloud storage.

  • If you have not yet initialized the organizational cloud storage, the first call to the Get Top-Level Folder ID interface will automatically initialize the storage for your institution.

5.4.1 2024-09

Added new interfaces and parameters to adjust playback and LMS activity access permissions for new students and those leaving the class.

5.4 2024-9

Added new APIs to operate ClassIn LMS activities. This includes general APIs for managing units and activities, as well as APIs specific to classroom activities.

Key changes:

  • The LMS-related APIs will use a new API calling method, including modified URL formats and signature rules. Refer to this document for detailed information.
  • The general LMS APIs support to create/delete activities and add/remove activity members.
  • The classroom-related APIs support to create, edit, and delete classrooms.
  • The new classroom-related APIs will replace the existing lesson-related APIs. The concept of Lessons will gradually be phased out in favor of Classrooms. If you are integrating with ClassIn virtual classrooms, it is recommended to use the Classroom APIs directly, rather than the Lesson-related APIs.
  • APIs for managing users, courses, school cloud resources, and web-based live streaming and playback functionality remain unchanged.
  • To fully integrate with the new ClassIn LMS functionality, please use a combination of the original APIs, such as User Registration, Create Course, and Add Students to Course, along with the new APIs for creating units and classrooms. The older Create Lesson API is no longer recommended for use.

5.3.3 2024-8-30

Deprecated Interface:

  • Modifying Cloud Drive Resources Authorized to Teacher: The interface updateTeacherCloudFolders will be deprecated after 2024-08-30.

5.3.2 2024-07-31

When add a course or edit a course, the expiry date can be set within 5 years of the current time,instead of 1 year.

5.3.1 2024-06-30

Due to changes in business logic, the data subscription - Details of Watching Lesson Replay in the ClassIn Client (cmd: ClientPlaybackDataDetail) underwent the following modifications:

  1. Removal of the following fields:
    • TopProcess
    • TotalLookCount
    • TotalLookTime
  1. Addition of the following fields:
    • TotalDuration (indicates the total duration of the video)
    • ValidWatchCount (indicates the number of valid views)
    • LatestDetails( indicates the viewing status) ->TriggerType 1, 3, 4 represent 'Start Watching', 'End Watching', and 'Timeout Automatic Push', respectively.

Note: Currently, the LatestDetails->TriggerType only supports 'End Watching'. Support for 'Start Watching' will be available in the new client version in September.

5.3.0 2024-7-26

New LMS activity data has been added to the ClassIn data subscription service, including two items:

  • Assignment: After grading an assignment, notify the grader, students, and provide the total score.
  • Test: After grading a test, notify the grader, students, and provide the total score.

5.2.1 2024-04-24

Added the feature to launch the ClassIn client and directly navigate to the LMS activity page of a course using a provided link. For more details, refer to the Best Practices for Launching ClassIn Client.

3.44 2024-01-10

In the data subscription of Exit the Classroom, added new explanation on the Reasons for Classroom Exits:

Newly added reasons include:

● 54 - Duplicate login from the same client

● 56 - Network connection interrupted

● 60 - Logged out due to a new login from another client

● 101 - User exited the app by pressing the home button on their Android device

● 102 - User exited the app due to an incoming phone call

● 111 - App went into the background.

3.43 2023-12-07

Added a new field of TotalLookVaildTime in the data of Details of Viewing Classroom Playback in the ClassIn Client. TotalLookVaildTime is the effective time of a user watching a playback on the ClassIn client.

3.42 2023-08-10

Added new error codes in Create Class(Single)Create Class(Multiple)Edit Class

  • 121601001 There are settings that are not supported by the current version.
  • 121601002 Operation successful! The usage limit for [online classroom] resources has been surpassed. To avoid any negative consequences, please reach out to your account manager immediately.
  • 121601003 You have exceeded the monthly limit for creating lessons. To continue creating lessons, please upgrade your account to access additional benefits.
  • 121601004 You have reached the monthly limit for creating lessons and cannot continue creating more.
  • 121601005 Not supported for configuring web-based live streaming.
  • 121601006 Not supported for setting up cloud recording for On-the-spot Scene.
  • 121601007 Error with the number of people on stage parameter.
  • 121601008 Not supported for setting up co-teachers.
  • 121601009 Not supported for web-based classroom playback.
  • 121601010 Not supported for setting cloud recording.
  • 121601011 Not supported for setting dual camera mode.
  • 121601012 Resolution exceeds limit.

3.41 2023-07-07

A. Added ClientID in the real-time pushed data, entering and exiting the classroom, to distinguish main and secondary devices when the instructor uses two devices to enter the classroom.
B. In the summary data(cmd=end) pushed after class, added new field, Deputies, representing the secondary device the instructor uses to enter the classroom. (After the instructor uses two devices to enter the classroom, this field will appear. The original field of Details only contains entry and exit records of the main device by default. Currently, only dual device login is available, so only data from one secondary device will be reflected.
C. When calling the register-user interface, regardless of whether the mobile phone number/email address has been registered before, after passing the addToSchoolMember, the user will be added to the school.
D. Added new error code, 845, indicating that the school has exceeded the maximum number of enabled teachers. The admin shall check and increase the teacher quota purchased.

3.40 2023-06-12

A. Added new error code 31000 to upload files to the ClassIn Drive: Storage is full. Please delete some files or expand the capacity.

3.39 2023-03-21

A. Added the solutions to invoke the ClassIn client from your system in the Solution section.
B. Added sections of Solutions and Error Handling

3.38 2023-01-10

Added the parameter for course subjects, subjectId. This parameter is only valid for courses created in the School Dashboard for primary and secondary schools. Not passing any value or passing values that do not comply with the rule is determined as null. Involved APIs are listed as follows:

Activities in ClassIn LMS can only be edited in the LMS. Added new error code:466 = The lesson was created in the ClassIn LMS and cannot be edited via API. Please edit the lesson in the ClassIn LMS. Involved APIs are listed as follows:

Notes: ClassIn LMS is expected to be released on 2023-02-07.

3.37 2022-12-06

Added using email as the ClassIn accounts and involved interfaces are listed as follows:

Register UsersRegister Users(Multiple)Add StudentAdd Teacher

  • Added new error code:461=The email has already been registered
  • Added new parameter:email

Get link to invoke ClassIn app:

  • Do not support email login yet. Please bind a mobile phone number to use the log-in link. Otherwise, error code 467 will be returned.
  • Added new error code:467= The operation only supports accounts of mobile phone numbers. Please bind your mobile number first.

Added new message subscriptions:

3.36 2022-11-20

Add School Label

  • When the error code,353, is returned, it indicates that the school tag already exists, and the corresponding tag ID will be returned.

3.35 2022-10-11

Create courseCreate Class(Single)Create Class(Multiple):

  • Added new error code: 460 = The course or lesson is being created by another request(This error code may occur during concurrent creation. It is recommended to adjust the request frequency and check whether the course and lesson created already exists.).

3.34 2022-09-20

New API Add/Edit/Detele Course Label

The API call requires SID, safeKey, timeStamp, courseId and courseList. Pass an empty label array(labelIds) to delete all the course labels. When the course has no labels, pass label ID in the field of label array(labelIds) to add a label to the course. When the course label exists, pass label ID in the parameter of label array(labelIds) to modify the course label. The API call returns error info after execution. Note: A maximum of 10 labels can be added to each course.

3.33 2022-06-08

Support to record on-the-spot scene, and the APIs involved are modified as follows:

Create Class(Single)Create Class(Multiple)Edit Class InformationClass Setting of Cloud Recording, Website Live Broadcast and Webpage Replay(Multiple)

  • Added new parameter: recordScene, an optional parameter. Pass 1 to activate the recording of the on-the-spot scene. The prerequisite is the record function is on.

3.32 2022-04-11

Support to set multiple Co-teachers(joint teacher). Relevant modifications in API are as follows.

Create Class(single)Create Class(Multiple) and Edit Class Information:

  • Added new parameter of assistantUids in the format of [10000821000083]. Either pass assistantUids or assistantUid. Only one can be passed;
  • Error code newly added : 21316 = duplicate data of Co-teacher, 21317 = the number of Co-teachers exceeds the limit;
  • Delete the error code 330.

3.31 2022-03-28

New message subscriptions:

Class Related Data supports a new subscription: IM Classroom Chat

3.30 2022-01-18

Added new error codes to the following interfaces: Create Class(single), Create Class(Multiple), and Edit Class Message

Added new judgement on whether the start or end time of the lesson overlaps with the regular system maintenance period. If it overlaps, the creation and editing will fail, and the 454 error code will be returned. The definition of relevant error code is: 454 = the start and end time of the lesson overlaps with the system maintenance time.

New message subscriptions:


All "teaching assistant" fields in the interface will be changed to "Co-teacher".The assistantUid field of the interface is not changed. Only the interpretation and error information in error_info are updated;

The following interfaces are involved:


New API support pre-grouping on course:

3.27 Nov. 2021

Data subscription :
Added new types of subscription in page School related Data : Replace Phone number

It is about to release on November 2021

3.26 2021-09-03

Added new error code about account in the following API interfaces: Add studentadd teachercrete courseedit coursecreate class(single)create class(multiple)edit classadd student to the course(single)add student to course(multiple)add student to class(multiple)edit course teacheradd student to multiple classesget login link

The defination of error code:
883=the account of headteacher is cancelled
884=the account of teacher is cancelled
885=the account of assistant is cancelled
886=the account of student is cancelled
887=the account of audit is cancelled
888=the account of user is cancelled

3.25 2021-08-18

Data subscription :
Added new types of subscription in page School related Data : Account cancellation

3.24 July 31st 2021

The following two message subscription types will be offline soon
im text msg in classroom
im picture msg in classroom

3.23 2021-07-22

Data subscription :
Added new types of subscription in page Class Detail Data

Live Reserve
Watching Data of Live page
Like on the Live page
Detail of clicks on goods

Added new types of subscription in page Class Summary Data

Watching data of replay page

3.22 May 8th 2021

Update logic of parameter "allowAddFriend" for API Create course
A error msg is returned if it's empty.

3.21 April 23rd 2021

1) Added new parameter to the 2 APIs: allowStudentModifyNickname (to allow students to edit his group nick name) For these 2 APIs

2) Update logic of parameter "folderid" for API Edit course

  • For the classes that is not started yet, if the recource of class is the same to the course's recourse before update, then update the class recourse
  • For the classes that is not started yet, If the recource of classes is not the same to the course's recourse before update, then ignore the setting for this class

3) One more data item return in the responds of the 4 APIs:
WEBRTC(this new live stream protocol is supported,the delay of which is within one second )

3.20 Overhead information - Mar 30, 2021

Since June 1, 2021, the interface Get the login client url has been adjusted. The interface return URL and it will no longer include temporary secret key authTicket(ClassIn will make partial adjustment accordingly and it will finish the adjustment by June 30).
In other words, it will no longer support temporary secret key authTicket to get the login client.

This adjustment does not have any effect to your API integration. It will only affect your user's experience on website login client. Therefore, your customer service or operation group needs to communicate with your users about this change: Since June 1, 2021, after users get the login client, the application will remain on the login step wait until the user finish inputting a password then click the 'login' to enter the classroom. Please be aware:

  1. For mobile end, ClassIn will automatically store the password. For PC, ClassIn Strongly recommend users to click 'Remember Password' after inputting their password for conveniently get the login client without inputting their password again in the future.
  2. If Users forget their password, they can click the 'Forget Password' on the Login page to retrieve their password.

3.19 March 10th 2021

1) Update these 3 APIs to support value "0" for parameter seatNum,which means a 1V0 class can be created by API.

2) Update these 2 APIs, the logic of paramter "mainTeacherUid" is modify as to considered NULL or empty value, if NULL or empty, then the mainTeacher will not be set or will not be change.

3.18 March 2nd 2021

New API Update Authorized Resource for teacher

Support to update the authorized resource for teacher

3.17 January 20th 2021

A New parameter is added to the 3 APIs: teachMode (to enable OMO classroom) For these four APIs

3.16 January 12th 2021

A New parameter is added to the four APIs: isDc (to enable Dual Camera) For these four APIs

3.15 Please read the notice carefully. From 08.06.2020.

1) In order to support the replacement of mobile phone number of classin account, the following interface will only support the parameter of uid and and no longer support the parameter of mobile phone number. By the above deadline, you need to complete the following items.

* Modify your API code to change parameter with the phone number to the UID (related to the interface involved, add 400 error codes indicating that the requested data is not legitimate (i.e. the UID does not exist or the UID does not belong to the student or teacher of the institution)).
* In your database, the correspondence between the mobile number and the UID needs to be saved. You can call the interface register to get the UID information of the registered user, regardless of whether the mobile phone number is registered or not, the interface will return data=xxxx, the number after the data xxxx is the user UID. you need to save this UID to complete the initialization of the relevant table values.

The interfaces involved include almost every api with phonenumber , except register/addschoolstudent/addteacher.listed as below : changing user passwords, deactivating teachers, enabling teachers, updating lesson teacher-student evaluations, creating lessons, editing lessons, creating lessons (single), creating lessons (multiple), modifying lesson information, adding students/audience (single) under lessons, deleting students/audience (single) under lessons, adding students/audience (multiple) under lessons, deleting students/audience (multiple) under lessons, adding students (multiple) under lessons, deleting students (multiple) under lessons, changing lesson teachers, removing lesson teachers, adding students under multiple lessons, getting wake-up clients and entering classroom links

** Please note: The interface Add Student(addSchoolStudent) and Add Teacher(addTeacher), only supports passing the mobile number, not the UID.

2) Interface domain name and protocol header.

  • Use for all interface URL domains, and if you continue to use, you will receive a 404 status code.
  • Use https for all interface URL protocol headers and receive a 403 status code if you continue to use http.

In addition, in order to facilitate the notification of new interfaces and important changes at a later stage, it is strongly recommended that you fill in your usual email address in the authentication profile (entrance: login to the institutional administration backend and click on the authentication profile page on the left to fill in).

3) The interfaces related to adding students under the course/session (the following four interfaces) will no longer support the automatic addition of students as institutional students, and the new error code 228 means "No such student under institutional". The standard operation for scheduling a student or teacher is: Register --> Add institutional student/teacher --> Schedule class. The interfaces involved include.

* Add Student/Auditor (Single) under Course: The request parameter studentName field is changed from mandatory to non-mandatory. Use the request parameter STUDENTName only when IDENTITY is 2. Use the cell phone number as the name of the spectator when IDENTITY is 2, if this participant is not passed. When IDENTITY is 1 (student status), the passed parameter STUDENTName is also not used.
* Add student/observer (multiple) under course: The name field in the request parameter studentJson is changed from mandatory to non-mandatory. Use the request parameter name only when identity is 2. When identity is 2, use the cell phone number as the name of the spectator if no such participant is passed. When identity is 1 (student identity), the name in the passed argument studentJson will not be used either.
* Add student (multiple) under session: removed the name entry in studentJson from the original request parameter (passed without error, but will not be used either).
* Added students to multiple sections of the course: removed the studentName item from the original request parameter (passed without reporting errors, but will not be used either).

3.14 30th November 2020

2 New Parameters added to the four APIs:
watchByLogin (Only those login account can view the live&replay page)
and allowUnloggedChat (if allow anonymous to chat or like)

3.13 September 15th 2020

Data subscription :image data of the blackboard, a new type of subscription added in page Class Detail Data

3.12 September 3rd 2020

API editCourseClass Support to add/change/delete assistant before the class is ended.

3.11 August 13th 2020

API Addcourse Support to use the default cover set by the school as the cover of the class group if "Filedata" is empty.

3.10 August 4th 2020

Data subscription :LiveDetail message, a new type of subscription added in page Class Detail Data

3.9 June 01, 2020

  • Modify the interface.

    • Interface Add Student/Auditor (Single) under Course, Student/Auditor (Multiple) under Course Support to synchronize user names to class nicknames, please refer to interface description for details.
    • Interface Add Student (Multiple) under Course and Add Student (Multiple) under Session No longer supports surrogate registration (surrogate registration means that the student's mobile phone number is passed to the participant, if not the ClassIn account, automatic registration is supported). (a).
  • Added the pending deprecation interface and subscription message items (removed from this document, see Deprecation for details).

    • Interface:delcourse, Deletion of courses.
    • Interface Modify user information, as well as subscribing to offline messages Items in the organization's dimensional push messages User modify nicknames.

3.8 May 08, 2020

  • New interface.
     This interface modifies the class nicknames of the group members by using the names of all the students and observer students in the course, and the students in the institution, to modify the class nicknames of the students and observer students in the group. After the modification, students' names displayed in the client's IM class group, and in the classroom under that course, are student names, not user nicknames. This interface solves the problem of teachers often failing to get a number when they are in a group or classroom after students change their user nicknames in the ClassIn client.
  • Modify the interface.
      Interface Create a course, edit a course, add a course setup itemallowAddFriend to set whether to allow class members to add friends to each other.

3.7 April 10, 2020

  • Modify the interface.

      Interface Create session (single), create session (multiple), modify session information Remove invalid parameter teacherName
  • Data Subscribtion.

      Class summary data in messages pushed after the class has ended The new subdivision "equipmentsEnd", which now contains the subdivision "Camera", records the total time the camera was turned on (only on-stage time is included).

3.6 March 16, 2020

Adding new interfaces to be deprecated.

  • Get wake-up client key: interface getTempLoginKey will come offline after 2020-04-27. Alternative interfaces see getLoginLinked ](../

3.5 February 18, 2020

Subscribe to the message subscriptions and push them in real time during the session. Add a subscription to the live broadcast page.

3.4 February 15, 2020

Modify the interface.
    To delete a single session video, add the parameter fileId to support deleting a video clip file under a session. Please refer to the specific interface for details.
Adding new interfaces to be deprecated.
    Modification of user information The interface will be abandoned after 2020.06.01 and will not be maintained. For details, please check the specific interface to modify user information. Nicknames and avatars of users are private data and are no longer subject to change by the Agency. Agencies should use the user's name information under the agency in their own systems and should not use the user's nickname information.
    Message Subscriptions - Agency Dimension Push Messages - User Modified Nickname This message subscription will be discarded after 2020.06.01 and will not be maintained. See Message Subscription for details. Users modify nicknames.

Translated with (free version)

3.3 December 25, 2019

Class total data new datasubstribtion in class summary data: "edbEnd":information of edb opened in class.

3.2 December 17, 2019

  • Modify docking domain name and protocol header
    • All interface URL domains are adjusted to,Before is,Will be mandatory to support only https://api.eeo.cnon April 1, 2020。
    • All interface URL protocol headers support HTTPS only, which is currently https-https compatible and will be mandatory on April 1, 2020.
  • Modify the interface:

    • Add The Teacher,Add 288 error code, indicating that this section is illegal.Please refer to the specific interface for detailsAdd The Teacher
    • Add The Student,Add 288 error code, indicating that this section is illegal.Please refer to the specific interface for detailsAdd The Student
    • Modify User Nickname,Modify the interface name asmodify user information,And add the parameterFiledata,New error code,etc,Support to modify user client image。Please refer to the specific interface for detailsmodify user information
    • Create Class(single),The starting time of the course shall be modified to within 3 years instead of 2 years.Please refer to the specific interface for detailsCreate Class(single)
    • Create Class(Multiple),The starting time of the course shall be modified to within 3 years instead of 2 years。Please refer to the specific interface for detailsCreate Class(Multiple)
    • Gets The Login Client Key,The uid parameter is newly supported, and the original telephone parameter is changed to non-mandatory,In case both parameters are passed in at the same time, the uid shall prevail (please note: from 04/01/2020, except the register interface,All the interfaces that need to call the mobile phone number will only support calling the uid). Please refer to the specific interface for details Gets The Login Client Key
    • Get The login Client Url,The uid parameter is newly supported, and the original telephone parameter is changed to non-mandatory. In the case that two parameters are passed in at the same time, the uid shall prevail(Please note: starting from April 1, 2020, all interfaces that need to be connected to mobile phone Numbers, except the registration interface, will only support uid). Please refer to the specific interface for details Get The login Client Url
    • Add students And Audit Course(Multiple),Delete 'isRegister,password' parameters, no longer support generation registration function.Please refer to the specific interface for detailsAdd students And Audit Course(Multiple)
    • Add Students To The Class(Multiple),Delete 'isRegister,password' parameters, no longer support generation registration function. Please refer to the specific interface for detailsAdd Students To The Class(Multiple)
  • New interface:

    • Registered users(multiple),Up to 10 users can be registered at one time。Please refer to the specific interface for details Registered users(multiple))
  • New interface to be discarded:

    • Delete The Course The interface will be deprecated in future releases and will not be maintained。Please refer to the specific interface for details Delete The Course

3.1 November 15, 2019

In order to support to change the phone number of ClassIn account(This function is not online yet. It will be supported later),We have modified all the interfaces for calling mobile phone Numbers,To support both can call the phone number,Uid (mobile phone number and uid, both must pass one, if both pass, the uid shall prevail, that is, the interface does not check the consistency of the two)。
Starting from June 1, 2020, all the interfaces that are used for calling mobile phone Numbers, except the registration interface ,will only support calling uids.
You need to complete:

  • Modify your API docking code to support pass-through uid;
  • In your database, save the correspondence between the phone number and the uid.

The following interface has been modified to support uids with a new error code of 400 to indicate that the request data is invalid (i.e., the uid does not exist or the uid does not belong to the student or teacher of the institution).

  • Edit User Nickname,Add the uid parameter, change the original telephone parameter to non-mandatory, and the uid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time.Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit User Nickname
  • Change User Password,Add the uid parameter, change the original telephone parameter to non-mandatory, and the uid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time.Please refer to the specific interface for details Change User Password
  • Change User Password(No original password is provided,Add the uid parameter, change the original telephone parameter to non-mandatory, and the uid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time.Please refer to the specific interface for details Change User Password(No original password is provided)
  • Add School Student,Add the studentUid parameter, change the original studentAccount parameter to non-mandatory, and studentUid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time.Please refer to the specific interface for details Add School Student
  • Add The Teacher,Add teacherUid parameter. Change the original teacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, teacherUid shall prevail.Please refer to the specific interface for details Add The Teacher
  • Stop Teacher,Add teacherUid parameter. Change the original teacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, teacherUid shall prevail.Please refer to the specific interface for details Stop Teacher
  • Restart Teacher,Add teacherUid parameter. Change the original teacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, teacherUid shall prevail。Please refer to the specific interface for details Restart Teacher
  • Teacher's Evaluation Of Students In TheNew Class,Add the studentUid parameter, and change the original studentAccount parameter to non-mandatory. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, the studentUid shall prevail, and the interface shall return the studentAccount when it is passed in.The interface returns studentUid when it is passed in.Please refer to the specific interface for details Teacher's Evaluation Of Students In TheNew Class
  • Create Course,Add the mainTeacherUid parameter, change the original mainTeacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory, and the mainTeacherUid will prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time.Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Course
  • Edit Course,Add the mainTeacherUid parameter, change the original mainTeacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory, and the mainTeacherUid will prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time。Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Course
  • Create Class(single),Add teacherUid and assistantUid parameters, and change the existing teacherAccount parameters to non-mandatory。Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Class(single)
  • Create Class(Multiple),Add teacherUid and assistantUid parameters, and change the existing teacherAccount parameters to non-mandatory。Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Class(Multiple)
  • Edit Class Message,Add teacherUid and assistantUid parameters, and change the existing teacherAccount parameters to non-mandatory。Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Class Message
  • Add Students And Audit Course(single),Add the studentUid parameter, change the original studentAccount parameter to non-mandatory, and studentUid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time。Please refer to the specific interface for details Add Students And Audit Course(single)
  • Students、Attend Are Removed From The Course(Single),Add the studentUid parameter, change the original studentAccount parameter to non-mandatory, and studentUid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time。Please refer to the specific interface for details Students、Attend Are Removed From The Course(Single)
  • Add students And Audit Course(Multiple),Add a new uid parameter, and change the original account parameter to a non-mandatory one. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, the uid shall prevail。Please refer to the specific interface for details Add students And Audit Course(Multiple)
  • Remove Students And Audit Course(Multiple),Add the studentUidJson parameter, change the original studentJson parameter to non-mandatory, and studentUidJson shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time。Please refer to the specific interface for details Remove Students And Audit Course(Multiple)
  • Add Students To The Class(Multiple),Add a new uid parameter, and change the original account parameter to a non-mandatory one. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, the uid shall prevail.Please refer to the specific interface for details Add Students To The Class(Multiple)
  • Remove Students And Audit Course(Multiple),Add the studentUidJson parameter, change the original studentJson parameter to non-mandatory, and studentUidJson shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same time.Please refer to the specific interface for details Remove Students And Audit Course(Multiple)
  • Change Course Teacher,Add teacherUid parameter. Change the original teacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, teacherUid shall prevail. Please refer to the specific interface for details Change Course Teacher
  • Remove Course Teacher,Add teacherUid parameter. Change the original teacherAccount parameter to non-mandatory. If two parameters are passed in at the same time, teacherUid shall prevail.Please refer to the specific interface for details Remove Course Teacher
  • Add Students To Multiple Class Of The Course,Add the studentUid parameter, change the original studentAccount parameter to non-mandatory, and studentUid shall prevail if both parameters are passed in at the same timePlease refer to the specific interface for details Add Students To Multiple Class Of The Course

October 15, 2019

important:In order to provide you with better products and services, the system will be regularly maintained on the 20th day of each month. For the specific maintenance time of each month, please visit the following link.
Please make sure that the class time does not coincide with the system maintenance time when arranging classes.All API requests during system maintenance return a status code of 901。

3.1 October 14, 2019

Modify the interface:

  • Edit Class Message If the teaching assistant is not set after the class begins, the teaching assistant can be added. If the teaching assistant is set after the class begins, it cannot be replaced or deleted.Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Class Message

3.0 October 1, 2019

Modify the interface:

  • Create Course, If the new expiration time is not passed, pass 0 and pass 0 are all treated as 0, and the expiration time of the course is set to never expire 0;Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Course
  • Edit Course,The new expiration time will not be passed or empty, not modified;Pass 0, change to never expire;If a timestamp is passed that is not 0, it is valid for the time passed;Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Course
  • Create Class(single), The new isHd value supports transmission of 2, indicating full hd;Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Class(single)
  • Create Class(Multiple), The new isHd value supports transmission of 2, indicating full hd;Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Class(Multiple)
  • Edit Students On The Stage In The Class, The new isHd value supports transmission of 2, indicating full hd;Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Students On The Stage In The Class

2.15 September 02, 2019

Modify the interface:

  • Create Course,Change to create the course without selecting cloud disk folder ID, default is empty directory。Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Course

2.14 August 9, 2019

The new interface:

Modify interface:

  • Delete The Course,The new error code 822 indicates the deletion of the course was successful, and the deletion of the unique id failed.Please refer to the specific interface for details Delete The Course
  • Delete the Class,The new error code 823 indicates that the deletion session was successful and the deletion of the unique identifier failed.Please refer to the specific interface for details Delete the Class
  • Edit Teacher,New parameter teacherUid supports editing teacher information with user UID.Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Teacher
  • Registered Users,New parameter addToSchoolMember to support registration after adding directly as an institutional teacher or student.Please refer to the specific interface for details Registered Users
  • Create Class(single) New parameter classIntroduce, support to add class introduction function。Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Class(single)
  • Create Class(Multiple) New parameter classIntroduce, support to add class introduction function.Please refer to the specific interface for details Create Class(Multiple)
  • Edit Class Message New parameter classIntroduce, support to add class introduction function.Please refer to the specific interface for details Edit Class Message
  • Add The Student,Add student 'under the school name' mechanism, modify the interface name to 'add student', its content and function remain unchanged.Please refer to the specific interface for details Add The Student

2.13 July 31, 2019

  • Create Folder If cloud disk already has a folder with the same name, the 206 error code is returned along with the ID of the previous cloud disk folder.
  • Rename Folder If cloud disk already has a folder with the same name, the 206 error code is returned along with the ID of the previous cloud disk folder.

2.12 July 8, 2019

  • New error code: 800 Means the teacher is out of use804 The ta is out of use805 The head teacher is suspended,The account that has been deactivated needs to wait for the system to complete the deactivation before being enabled, which is expected to take 1-5 minutes.The interfaces involved are as follows
    • Restart Teacher:Add 800 error code
    • Create Course:Add 805 error code
    • Edit Course:Add 805 error code
    • Change Course Teacher:Add 800 error code
    • Create Class(single):Add 800、804 error code
    • Create Class(Multiple):Add 800、804 error code
    • Edit Class Message:Add 800、804 error code

2.7 April 28, 2019

  • Create Class(single)Create Class(Multiple)Edit Class MessageClass Setting Up Video, Live And Return (Multiple) Interface new return value Lesson live player addressLive stream address for class,If you start recording class, live broadcast, etc. when calling the interface, it will return. Please check the specific interface for details。

2.5 April 1, 2019

  • ClassIn Download Button Link The WinXP download link is no longer available in the interface from May 1, 2019.Please refer to the specific interface for details ClassIn Download Button Link

2.4 March 25, 2019

2.3 2019年01月25日

  • for Get Course Live Replay And Player AddressGet Class Live Replay And Player Address Iframe nested, iOS 11+ cookie is not written into the situation, has been repaired (we can introduce our js file in H5),Please refer to the specific interface for details.

2.3 2019年01月23日

  • Modify the interface
    • New parameter 'courseUniqueIdentity' : unique identifier. If passed in, the interface verifies that the unique value exists. If so, it returns the ID of the course/session that was created successfully。Involves the interface Create CourseCreate Class(single)Create Class(Multiple)
    • Add error code 398 to indicate that the data already exists (unique identification already exists)。Involves the interface Create CourseCreate CourseCreate Class(Multiple)
    • Add error code 133 to indicate an existing one (there is a unique duplicate in the incoming classJson)。If there is a unique value that is repeated in the classJson string, the repeated session will not be created successfully。Involves the interface Create Class(Multiple)

2.2.17 September 18, 2018

  • The new interface
    • End Of The Course,If there are no classes under the course, you can finish the course.If there are classes under the course that have not yet started, the classes that have not started will be deleted before the course is finished.Please refer to the specific interface for details End Of The Course
  • Modify the interface
    • Create CourseEdit Course:Set the ID parameter of the new classroom in the interface. After selecting this set of Settings, all classrooms under this course will be displayed according to this setting。Interface new error code:371 indicates that the classroom setting does not exist,373 indicates that the classroom setting does not belong to the institution.Please refer to the interface for details Create Course Edit Course
    • Delete The Course:Interface new error code: 393 indicates that there is a class under the course that has finished, can not be deleted.That is, the logic before the interface is: as long as there are classes under the course, it cannot be deleted;The modified logic is: if there is a class that has finished or is in class under this course, it cannot be deleted.Please refer to the interface for details [Delete The Course

2.2.15 September 5, 2018

  • The new interface
    • Remove Course Teacher,After removing the course teacher, the teacher is no longer shown in the list of teachers in the course details, nor in the class group of the ClassIn client. Please refer to the specific interface for details Remove Course Teacher.
    • Modify Class Lock Status,If the class is changed to the locked state after the function of automatic deletion of video recording and pictures of supervised classes is enabled in the background of, the video recording and pictures of supervised classes will not be automatically deleted. Please refer to the specific interface for details Modify Class Lock Status.
  • Update the interface
    • Create Class(single)Create Class(Multiple)Edit Class Message Interface modified error code 165 means that a lesson must not be less than 15 minutes and must not exceed 24 hours, previously limited to at least 1 minute.Please refer to the specific interface for details.

2.2.14 August 28, 2018

2.2.13 August 16, 2018

  • Interface new support: New support for 1v6 hd, currently available in hd 1v1 and 1v6. Involved interface:Create Class(single)Create Class(Multiple)Edit Students On The Stage In The Class

2.2.11 2018年08月09日

  • The new interface
    • Top Teacher,Please refer to the specific interface for details Top Teacher
    • Restart Teacher,Please refer to the specific interface for details Restart Teacher
  • Modify the interface

    • Create Course,Edit Course,New error code 389 indicates that the teacher has been suspended.Please refer to the specific interface for details.
    • Create Class(single),Create Class(Multiple),Edit Class Message,New error code 387 indicates that the teacher has been suspended;388 indicates that the ta has been discontinued.Please refer to the specific interface for details.
    • Change Course Teacher,The new error code 387 indicates that the teacher has been disabled.Please refer to the specific interface for details.

      2.2.10 August 7, 2018

  • Added deprecated interface

    • Get student list
    • Get school teacher list
    • Get student comment list
    • Gets the time of the class members in the class
    • Get the ClassIn client download address

2.2.9 July 12, 2018

  • add interface

2.2.8 July 10, 2018

  • interface add support project: student into classroom whether automatic on the stage,create class choose 1V1 high definition.involves the interface :create class (single)create class(Multiple)Edit class messageEdit students on the stage in the class.
  • add interface:

2.2.7 July 02, 2018

  • School message subscription
    • Class detail data Out of the classroom field add out of the classroom cause. please referenceClass detail data.

2.2.6 Jun 28, 2018

  • Get the login client url Mobile terminal support(Android)webpage evocation client,please reference Get the login client url
  • rule modify: The following rules do not affect normal use,you can be modified according to its own system.
    • School account can add to become student /audit,referred interfaceStudent are added to the course(single)Students and attend are added to the course(multiple)Add students to the class(multiple)course under multiple class add students ,details please reference interface.
    • support change the teacher in class,referred interfaceedit class。please reference Edit class.
    • external student can add up to 20,referred interfaceStudent are added to the course(single)Students and attend are added to the course(multiple),details please reference related interface.

2.2.5 Jun 11, 2018

  • add interface:Schooin under add students,After the registration is successful, this interface can be invoked successfully.please referenceSchool under add student.
  • register userModify the description,please referenceregister user.

2.2.4 May 11, 2018

  • school news subscription
    • Class detail dataAnswer the question tool under add two field SelectedItem:The answer that the student choosesLastCommitTime: Student submission answer time,please referenceClass detail data
  • Get the time information of the attendance members in the classGet the class teacher's evaluation of the studentsGet the class student's evaluation of the teacher The interface will be deprecated and unmaintained in future versions

2.2.3 April 26, 2018

  • Obtain user's latest device self-check informationGet course informationThe interface will be deprecated and unmaintained in future versions
  • School news subscription
    • add Test report of equipment outside the classroom,real - time monitoring mechanism under the user equipment detection,the user clicks on the detection device,they push data to schools。please reference Test report of equipment outside the classroom

2.2.2 March 20, 2018

  • ClassIn API SDK Officially launched!!!In order to facilitate your quick access to ClassIn.we provide php language of the can through composer download,also can click there to view. or use composer require classin-api/classin-api please referenceclassin_api_sdk

  • school message subscribe

    • add callback information school related mesaage,school upload file after can push this message.please referenceSchool Related Data
    • class related messsge add Class next status report、Equipment test report in class,please referenceClass Related Data

2.1.9 January 20, 2018

2.1.8 January 10, 2018

2.1.7 January 03, 2018

  • Appendix
  • All API phone number rule is changed to be :China's mainland mobile phone number is directly filled with 11 mobile phone Numbers,do not support filling in national number 0086, otherwise it will prompt the mobile phone number to be illegal.
  • Add students And Audit Course(Multiple)Add Students To The Class(Multiple) add error code 288 expression this account is illegal,edit field isRegister to become a filling item。please referenceAdd students And Audit Course(Multiple)Add Students To The Class(Multiple)

2.1.6 December 24, 2017

  • Add Deprecatedpage,This page shows the deprecated interface.please referenceDeprecated.
    • Get The Student ListGet The List Of TeachersGet The Student Commentaries ListGet The Time Of The Teachers And Students Who Are In ClassGet The ClassIn Client Download Address The interface will be deprecated in subsequent releases.
  • The Data Related API In The Classroom under Class Detail Data interface in the classroom field added Device represents the login client type,out of the classroom field added Reason reasons for leaving the classroom,please referenceClass Detail Data.
  • Add ClassIn Download Button Link,It was stored Get The ClassIn Client To Download The Address please reference ClassIn Download Button Link.

2.1.5 December 18, 2017

  • Add interface Edit Class On Stage Number Of Students,The revised upper limit is the maximum number of people on campus,More than the default is considered to be the largest number(12) of people on stage,the school's biggest default is 1v12,please reference Edit Class On Stage Number Of Students
  • Get The List Of Teachers Interface added error code:106 expression no data(Back before that was false),please reference Get The List Of Teachers.
  • Edit Class Message Interface new error code 350 expression for the first 20 minutes can't edit class name、start time、cloud disk resources、on satge number of students.please reference Edit Class Message.
  • The Data Related API In The Classroom Change the name to School subscription related interfaceSchool News Subscription Change the name to Message Subscription Instructions,Only the name is modified, the content unchanged,please reference School Subscription Related InterfaceMessage Subscription InstructionsEdit Class Message

2.1.4 December 13, 2017

2.1.3 December 4, 2017

  • DeleteRevise the school's student phone number,the updated interface has been launched recently,Stay tuned for!
  • Change Edit User Base Information interface name to Edit User Nickname,interface Function invariant,Please refer to Edit User Nickname.

2.1.2 December 1, 2017

  • Get the login client url new add deviceType (ClassIn client login platform identity)parameter,1 is PC,2 is iOS,3 is Android. default is 1.please reference Edit User Nickname.

2.1.1:November 27, 2017

2.1.0:November 14, 2017

  • Registered users:New add to upload user profile parameters,Filedata,refer to the user-related interface for details.please reference Registered Users interfaces.
  • Get login client key:Remove the return link identity parameters.Details please refer to the access to login the client key. please reference Gets The Login Client Key interfaces.
  • Registered user:ClassIn 2.0 supports international mobile phone number registration,Format is:00 Country number - Mobile phone number,mainland China mobile phone number does not write country number. remark:All parameters of the phone number support the international mobile phone number format. Please refer to the relevant interface for details.
  • Get student list:Return parameters total add parameters studentUid, please reference Get The Student List interfaces.

2.0.0:October 30, 2017

  • EEO based API new add: get class teacher to student's evaluation, get to class the student to the teacher evaluation , please reference Get The Class Teacher's Evaluation Of The studentsGet The Class Student's Evaluation Of The Teacher.
  • Create course:two parameters are added mainTeacherAccountcourseIntroduce,please reference Create Course.
  • Edit course:four parameters are added mainTeacherAccountstampFiledatacourseIntroduce,please reference Edit Course.
  • Creat class(single):one parameters are added assistantAccount,please reference Create Class(single).
  • Creat class(multiple):one parameters are added assistantAccount,please reference Create Class(multiple)
  • Edit class message:one parameters are added assistantAccount,please referenc Edit Class Message.
  • Create class(multiple)Class Setting Up Video, Live And Return (Multiple)Add Students To The Class(Multiple)Add students And Audit Course(Multiple),Add bulk interface custom identity fieldscustomColumn,please refer to the specific interface for details.
  • Get The Live Replay Player Address:The user enters the live Web page from the school application,user can chat and thumb up without logging in,please referenc Get The Live Replay Player Address.
  • Modify the length limit of some fields. please refer to the specific interface for details.

1.8.0:August 14, 2017

  • Add in-classroom data push services:The school provides the data receiving address,receive real-time data from the EEO Hamster server.Please refer to the interface documentation The data related API in the classroom.please referenc The Data Related Interface In The Classroom.

1.7.0:June 10, 2017

1.6.0:May 10, 2017

  • EEO basis API Gets the user course list interface to return parameters class_list object increased released return values.please referenc Get Course List

1.5.0:May 8, 2017

  • EEO basis API Part of the parameter description changes,Please use the latest documents whenever possible.the web page API document update is completed.

1.4.0:April 24, 2017

  • Create Class(single))、Create Class(multiple)、edit class message These three interfaces, new add record、live、replay parameter,You can set the live information Settings of the class section. The default is 0, and the existing interface will not be affected.

1.3.0:April 18, 2017

  • Corrects the eeo basic API documentation the return value of some interfaces is inconsistent with the actual return value,please try to download the latest documents.

1.2.0:March 30, 2017

  • This modification interface:Create Class(single))、Create Class(multiple) These two interfaces, add seatNumstudent on stage this parameter,can control the class the number of students on the stage .please reference Create Class(single)Create Class(multiple).
  • get class list、get list massage These two interfaces, Four return values are added seat_num、record、live、replay,please reference Get Class ListGet Class Information.

1.1.0:March 28, 2017

1.0.0:March 23, 2017

  • Get class list (getCourseClass) interface, the return value of new "class_btime" : "class start time stamp", "class_etime" : "class end timestamp".please reference Get Class List.

  • Get class list (getClassInfo) interface, the return value of new "class_btime" : "class start time stamp", "class_etime" : "class end timestamp".please reference Get Class Information.

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