URL to Invoke the ClassIn Client
Get the login client link,Need SID, safekey, timeStamp, provide mobile phone number, the course ID, Class ID,ClassIn client login platform identity, return Can in Pc terminal or mobile terminal arouse ClassIn client
Important information remarks on 2021-03-30:
From June 1, 2021, this interface will be adjusted as follows:
- the returned URL will no longer contain the temporary key authTicket (ClassIn will gradually adjust in batches according to the user account, and all adjustments will be completed on 6.30), that is to say No longer supports the use of the temporary key authTicket password-free login to evoke the client.
- This adjustment will not have any impact on your API docking program. It will only affect your user's experience, the workflow changes after the application is awakened.
Action item:
Your customer service or operation team is required to communicate this experience change with users in advance:
- Starting from 2021-06-01, after the user invokes the ClassIn client on the web page for the first time, the program will stay on the login interface and wait for the user to enter the password and click "Login" before entering the classroom.
More notes for your users:
For the mobile terminal ClassIn software will automatically remember the password;
for the PC ClassIn, it is strongly recommended that the user check the "remember password" after entering the password so that the next time it is called up, there is no need to enter the password again.
If the user forgets the password, he can click "Forgot Password" on the login page to retrieve the password.
HTTP Request Methods
Coding format
- UTF-8
Request data
key | Required | More Restrictions | Instructions | Description |
SID | Yes | Null | School ID | It is available through the eeo.cn application |
safeKey | Yes | Fixed 32-bit all lowercase characters | School authentication security key | safeKey=MD5(SECRET+timeStamp) |
timeStamp | Yes | Null | imestamp used by safeKey | Unix Epoch timeStamp is the number of seconds passed by 00:00 (world standard time) on January 1, 1970 |
lifeTime | No | The default is 86400 seconds | safeKey the effective time(Unit: second) | Null |
courseId | Yes | Null | course ID | The return value after the course is created |
classId | Yes | Null | class ID | The return value after the class is created |
deviceType | No | default is 1,behalf PC | Platform logo | 1 behalf Windows/Mac OS ;2 behalf iOS mobile terminal;3 behalf Android |
uid | Yes | User's UID | the user UID returned by the register API |
Response data
key | Type | Sample value | meaning |
data | string | classin://www.eeo.cn/enterclass? telephone=001-8006437676& authTicket=04sxvif1bczi6lzs& classId=1424463&courseId=444451& schoolId=1009478 |
In the website login ClassIn client links |
error_info | object | Return message object | |
└ errno | number | 1 | The error code |
└ error | string | "Normal execution" | Error list |
- HTTP request
POST /partner/api/course.api.php?action=getLoginLinked HTTP/1.1
Host: www.eeo.cn
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache
- Shell cURL analog request instruction
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X "POST" \
-d "SID=1234567" \
-d "safeKey=0f7781b3033527a8cc2b1abbf45a5fd2" \
-d "timeStamp=1484719085" \
-d "telephone=001-8006437676" \
-d "lifeTime=" \
-d "courseId=332241" \
-d "classId=1227045" \
Pc terminal response sample(The normal return json
packet example)
"data": "classin://www.eeo.cn/enterclass?telephone=001-8006437676&authTicket=04sxvif1bczi6lzs&classId=1424463&courseId=444451&schoolId=100947",
"error_info": {
"errno": 1,
"error": "程序正常执行"
The client page wakes up the middle prompt page(optional)
Main use:
Use the client page to wake up functionality,There will be a page that prompts the user if it is not started,Or start failure,Please download the installation 'ClassIn' client at 'eeo.cn'.
Results the preview:
Wake up 001-8006437676 ClassIn client account
Instructions for use:
Replace the loginlink in the <a> tag href attribute with the client page of the required account to wake the link.The second line of the following code is shown.
<a href='https://api.eeo.cn/partner/invoke/classin.html?loginlink'>go into the classroom</a>
<a href="https://api.eeo.cn/partner/invoke/classin.html?classin://www.eeo.cn/enterclass?telephone=001-8006437676&authTicket=g7cx9tj3fs51n7dm&classId=1213545&courseId=394761&schoolId=1009478">Wake up 001-8006437676 ClassIn client account</a>
Error code instruction
Error code | Instruction |
1 | Expression successful execution. |
100 | Expression parameter not all or error. |
102 | Expression dont have permissions(Security verification failed). |
104 | Expression operation failure(An unknown error). |
114 | Expression server exception. |
134 | Expression incorrect phone number format. |
142 | Expression this course does not have this class information. |
143 | Expression no such course information. |
144 | Expression there is no such course under the agency. |
145 | Expression the class is over. |
150 | Expression no access to the phone number login key(This cell phone number does not belong to the student or teacher at the school). |
212 | Expression this class has been removed. |
369 | Expression open class does not support this operation. |
467 | The operation only supports accounts of mobile phone numbers. Please bind your mobile number first. |
888 | The user account was cancelled. |