Delete online double teacher class

Interface function: This interface only supports deleting online double teacher main and sub-classes

Interface description:

  • Delete the main class, and the sub-classes will be deleted synchronously;
  • Delete the sub-class without affecting the main class;



HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

Encoding format

  • UTF-8

Request parameters

Header parameters

key Required Type Description
X-EEO-SIGN Yes string Signature generation rules see here
X-EEO-UID Yes string Institution SID
X-EEO-TS Yes string Timestamp

Body parameters

key Required Type Description Rule description
courseId Yes integer Course ID Course ID returned after course creation
classId Yes integer Section ID Section ID returned after section creation

Response parameters

Parameter name Type Example value Meaning
code integer 1 Error code
msg string "Program execution is normal" Error message
data array [] Return information array
└ classId integer 4157055 Section ID
└ code integer 1 Error code
└ msg string "Program is running normally" Error message


  • HTTP request
POST /lms/onlineDoubleTeacher/deleteClass HTTP/1.1
Host: root_url
X-EEO-SIGN: 1da2b4d3f105538572360ad6ae11db97
X-EEO-UID: 2669800
X-EEO-TS: 1732505390
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 41

"courseId": 2337435,
"classId": 4157055
  • Shell cURL simulates request instructions
curl -X POST \
-H 'Host: root_url' \
-H 'X-EEO-SIGN: 1da2b4d3f105538572360ad6ae11db97' \
-H 'X-EEO-UID: 2669800' \
-H 'X-EEO-TS: 1732505390' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"courseId": 2337435, "classId": 4157055}' \

Response example (example of json data packet returned when normal)

    "code": 1,
    "msg": "程序正常执行",
    "data": [
            "classId": 4157912,
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "程序正常执行"
            "classId": 4157913,
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "程序正常执行"
            "classId": 4157055,
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "程序正常执行"

Error code description

Error code Description
104 Unknown error
142 No single course information under this course
143 No single course information
144 No course under this institution
147 No course information
149 The course has been deleted
101002005 Signature exception
101002006 Timestamp expired
101002008 Timestamp does not exist
121601016 Deletion exceeds the maximum limit
121601020 Business parameter error
121601022 The course is not a standard course
121601031 The course does not belong to the institution
121601032 No permission to operate
121601034 This operation is not supported for non-online dual-teacher courses
121601042 This operation is not supported for ended or deleted courses

results matching ""

    No results matching ""