Upload file

Upload file,Need SID, safekey, timeStamp, folder ID, uploaded file (binary stream mode). Returns the file ID obtained after uploading.



HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

Coding format

  • UTF-8

Request parameters

key Required More Restrictions Instructions Description
SID Yes Null School ID It is available through the eeo.cn application
safeKey Yes Fixed 32-bit all lowercase characters School authentication security key safeKey=MD5(SECRET+timeStamp)
timeStamp Yes Null imestamp used by safeKey Unix Epoch timeStamp is the number of seconds passed by 00:00 (world standard time) on January 1, 1970
folderId Yes Null folder ID Null
Filedata Yes Binary stream Uploaded file The maximum file upload is 500MB, exceeding the upload failure

Response data

key Type Sample value meaning
data string 123456 Upload the obtained file ID
error_info object Return message object
└ errno number 1 The error code
└ error string "Normal execution" Error list


  • HTTP request
POST /partner/api/cloud.api.php?action=uploadFile HTTP/1.1
Host: www.eeo.cn
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

  • Shell cURL analog request instruction
curl  -F "SID=1234567" \
      -F "safeKey=0f7781b3033527a8cc2b1abbf45a5fd2" \
      -F "timeStamp=1484719085" \
      -F "folderId=123456" \
      -F "Filedata=@~/file.txt" \

Response sample(The normal return json packet example)

  "data": "123456",
  "error_info": {
    "errno": 1,
    "error": "程序正常执行"

Error Code Description

Error Code Description
1 Successful execution.
100 Incomplete or incorrect parameters.
102 No permissions(Security verification failed).
104 Operation failed (unknown error).
193 The folder does not exist.
194 The folder does not belong to the institution(Unauthorized operation).
195 Please select a file to upload.
196 The folder has no operation permission.
197 Failed to upload file.
211 File size exceeds limit.
31000 The storage is full, please delete some files or expand the capacity.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""