Create Unit


  • When creating a unit, duplicate names are not allowed. If there is already a unit with the same name under the course, regardless of whether it is in draft status, an error will be reported as Unit already exists.



HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

coding Format

  • UTF-8

Request Data

Header Parameters

Key Required Type Description
X-EEO-SIGN Yes string Signature; see the rules here
X-EEO-UID Yes string Institution's SID
X-EEO-TS Yes string Timestamp

Body Parameters

key Required Type Description Rules Description
courseId Yes integer Class (Course) ID
name Yes String Unit name Length must not exceed 50 characters. Note: Duplicate unit names are not allowed under the course.
publishFlag Yes integer Publish status 0 = Draft, 2 = Published (Visible to class members)
content No String Unit introduction Defaults to empty if not provided

Response Data

Parameter Name Type Example Value Description
code integer 1 Error code
msg string "Execution successful" Error message
data array [] Reponse array
 └ object Reponse object
  └ name integer Create Unit Unit name
  └ unitId integer 26019953 Unit ID


  • HTTP Request
POST /lms/unit/create HTTP/1.1
Host: root_url
X-EEO-SIGN: 37471286c6cfb95c4afb899396b884e2
X-EEO-UID: 409864
X-EEO-TS: 1722937773
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 165

    "courseId": 414193,
    "name": "Create Unit",
    "content": "Unit Description",
    "publishFlag": 2
  • Shell cURL analog request instruction
curl -X POST \
     -H 'Host: root_url' \
     -H 'X-EEO-SIGN: 37471286c6cfb95c4afb899396b884e2' \
     -H 'X-EEO-UID: 409864' \
     -H 'X-EEO-TS: 1722937773' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"courseId": 414193, "name": "Create Unit", "content": "Unit Description", "publishFlag": 2}' \

Response sample(The normal return json packet example)

    "code": 1,
    "msg": "Execution successful",
    "data": {
        "name": "Create Unit",
        "unitId": 26020895

Error Code Descriptions

Error Code Description
147 No information for this class
29200 Unit creation failed
29208 Unit already exists
29213 Unit created successfully
40031 Exceeded the maximum number of units allowed in the class.
21601030 Missing required parameters
101001001 Parameter error
101002005 Signature exception
101002006 Timestamp expired
101002008 Timestamp does not exist
121601020 Business parameter error
121601021 This class does not belong to the your Institution
121601022 This is not a standard class
121601023 This class has been dissolved and cannot be operated

results matching ""

    No results matching ""