Register Users

The register interface is for the institution to register a ClassIn account on behalf of users. In API integration, it is an interface that cannot be skipped. Please make sure that the owner of the mobile phone number(or email address) has been informed and agreed on the operation.

The API call requires SID, safeKey, timeStamp, a valid mobile phone number(or email address) and a password. The valid mobile phone number is the account used to log in to ClassIn Client. The password can either be plaintext or MD5 encrypted (MD5 encryption is recommended.). The nickname and avatar are optional. The User ID(UID) will be returned after a successful registration. The UID is the unique ID of the account and is used in subsequent API calls. Therefore, please store UIDs in your database.


  • The avatar is used to display in the ClassIn client.
  • The nickname is used to display in the ClassIn client. Pass 1 or 2 in addToSchoolMember to synchronize the nickname to the student\teacher management page in the ClassIn management console.
  • Newly registered users are not displayed on the student/teacher management page in the management console by default. Here are two ways to bind users to your institution.

    1. Pass the parameter addToSchoolMember when calling this interface. 1: add as an institution student; 2: add as an institution teacher; other values do not add as institution members)
    2. Call add Student interface and add Teacher interface to bind the user to your institution as students or teachers.
    3. The addToSchoolMember parameter will always take effect, regardless of whether it is the first time registering or not.
  • If the above process of adding users to institutions is skipped, it will return errors when you schedule lessons for the users via API. (Error example: The user is not a teacher in your institution, etc.)

Please note that:

  1. If the mobile phone number or email is already registered as ClassIn account, when you call register-user interface, error code 135 will be returned, together with the UID.
  2. The nickname, avatar, and password will only take effect during the first registration.


HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

Coding Format

  • UTF-8

Request Data

key Required More Restrictions Instructions Description
SID Yes Null School ID It is available through the application
safeKey Yes Fixed 32-bit all lowercase characters School authentication security key safeKey=MD5(SECRET+timeStamp)
timeStamp Yes Null The Unix Epoch timestamp should be within 20 minutes of the current API call time UNIX Epoch timestamp is the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 (world standard time) on January 1, 1970.
telephone Yes(Either pass telephone or email) Format is:00 Country code-Mobile phone number. Notes: For mobile phone numbers in the Mainland China, do not input the country number, and the first number of phone number can't be 0. Use mobile phone numbers to register Example:For American mobile phone number, like 1 (800) 643-7676, please send 001-8006437676. For China Mainland mobile phone numbers, please send in the format of 13701237634.
email Yes(Either pass telephone or email) Null Null
nickname No The maximum length is 24 characters. If it exceeds 24 characters, it will be automatically truncated to 24 characters Nicknames and names If this parameter is passed, it will be used as the nickname of the teacher or student and displayed on the client. If the nickname is not passed, the mobile phone number will be used as the nickname of the teacher or student. When the user logs in to the client, a window will pop up for the user to fill in the nickname. The nickname is displayed under the user's camera in the virtual classroom, with a maximum of 24 characters.
password Yes(Either password or md5pass) Null Clear-text passwords The number of digits of the password shall not be less than 6 and not more than 20. If it does not meet the requirements, an error will be reported.
md5pass Yes(Either password or md5pass) Null MD5 encryption password 32-bit MD5 encryption
Filedata No Binary stream The uploaded user's Avatar will be displayed on the ClassIn client. Without uploading the avatar, a pop-up window for selecting the avatar will pop up when the user logs in to the client. File type:jpg,jpeg,gif,png
Less than 1 M
addToSchoolMember No 0: Do not add the user to the institution;
1: Add to the institution as student;
2: Add to the insitution as teacher;
Other values: Do not add the user to the institution.
If not filled, the default value is 0.
When addToSchoolMember is 1 or 2, the user will be displayed in student/teacher management page on ClassIn's management console. And the nicknames will be used in the student/teacher management page. Whether add as a school member.

Response Data

Key Type Sample Value Meaning
data number Registers the returned user ID(this UID used in institutional subscription messages)
error_info object Return message object
└ errno number 1 The error code
└ error string "Normal execution" Error details


  • HTTP Request
POST /partner/api/course.api.php?action=register HTTP/1.1
Host: root_url
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

  • Shell cURL analog request instruction
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X "POST" \
      -d "SID=1234567" \
      -d "safeKey=0f7781b3033527a8cc2b1abbf45a5fd2" \
      -d "timeStamp=1484719085" \
      -d "telephone=001-8006437676" \
      -d "password=123456" \
      -d "Filedata=@D:\touxiang.jpg"\

Response Sample(The normal return json packet example)

  "data": 1001930,
  "error_info": {
    "errno": "1",
    "error": "程序正常执行/Normal execution"

Error Code Instruction

Error Code Instruction
1 Successful execution.
100 Incomplete or incorrect parameters.
102 Don't have permissions(Security verification failed).
114 Server exception.
131 Registration failure.
134 Illegal mobile phone number.
135 The mobile phone number has been registered(UID will be returned at the same time).
137 Illegal password length(6-20 digits).
224 Type of picture uploaded is wrong.
288 The mobile phone number segment is invalid.
340 Registration succeeded, user avatar setting failed.
341 Uploaded picture size error (300 * 300).
342 Uploaded picture exceeded the limit (1M).
461 The email has been registered ( UID will be returned at the same time).
820 The registration was successful, but failed to add as an institution student.
821 The registration was successful, but failed to add as an institution teacher.
845 Exceeded the maximum number of enabled teachers in the institution.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""