Teacher's evaluation of students in the new class

SID, safekey, timeStamp, class ID, comment data, etc.Returns the details of the revised evaluation under this section.



HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

Coding format

  • UTF-8

Request data

key Required More Restrictions Instructions Description
SID Yes Null School ID It is available through the eeo.cn application
safeKey Yes Fixed 32-bit all lowercase characters School authentication security key safeKey=MD5(SECRET+timeStamp)
timeStamp Yes Null imestamp used by safeKey Unix Epoch timeStamp is the number of seconds passed by 00:00 (world standard time) on January 1, 1970
classId Yes Null Class ID No
commentJson Yes Comment data structure No
  └ starNum Yes StartNum is a number between 0 and 5, less than 0 reset to 0, greater than 5 reset to 5 Rating (star) There is no
  └ comment Yes Comment is a string with a length less than 1000 words, which is not case sensitive, and more than 1000 words will be automatically truncated to 1000 words Evaluation content No
  └ customColumn Null The customColumn can be empty. If it is not empty, the length is 1-50. Chinese and English are not distinguished User - defined identity There is no
  └ studentUid Yes Null Students in the UID Register the user UID returned by the user interface

Response data

key Type Sample value meaning
data array [] Returns an array of Data information
└ data Return message 1 object Return student evaluation information
  └ studentUid string "1001001" User's UID
  └ customColumn string Custom field, pass what return what, no pass not return the field custom field Custom field
  └ errno string 1 The error code
  └ error string "Routine execution" Error details
└ data Return message 2 object Return student evaluation information
  └ studentUid string "1001002" User's UID
  └ customColumn string Custom field, pass what return what, no pass not return the field Custom field
  └ errno string 1 The error code
  └ error string "Routine execution" Error details
error_info object Return information object
  └ errno number 1 The error code
  └ error string "Routine execution" Error details


  • HTTP request
POST /partner/api/course.api.php?action=updateClassStudentComment HTTP/1.1
Host: root_url
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

  • Shell cURL analog request instruction
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X "POST" \
      -d "SID=1234567" \
      -d "safeKey=0f7781b3033527a8cc2b1abbf45a5fd2" \
      -d "timeStamp=1484719085" \
      -d "classId=27981" \
      -d 'commentJson= \
        [ \
          { \
            "studentUid": "1001002", \
            "starNum": "5", \
            "comment": "评价内容", \
            "customColumn": "用户自定义标识" \
          } \
        ]' \

Response sample(The normal return json packet example)

    "data": [
            "studentUid": "1001001",
            "customColumn": "学生1",
            "errno": 1,
            "error": "程序正常执行"
            "studentUid": "1001002",
            "customColumn": "学生2",
            "errno": 1,
            "error": "程序正常执行"
    "error_info": {
        "errno": 1,
        "error": "程序正常执行"

Error Code Description

Error Code Description
1 Successful execution.
100 Incomplete or incorrect parameters.
102 Don't have permissions(Security verification failed).
104 Operation failed (unknown error).
167 There is no such student in the lesson.
228 There is no such student in the institution.
233 There is no such lesson in the institution.
369 The operation is not supported in this type of course/lesson.
400 The requested data is not valid.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""