Edit online dual-teacher classes

Interface function: Modify the main teacher, teaching assistant, time and other information of the online double teacher main class and sub-classes

Interface description:

  • This interface only supports modifying the main and sub-classes of online double teacher classes
  • When the main teacher and time are modified in the main class, the sub-class will be modified synchronously
  • The main teacher and time are not allowed to be modified in the sub-class
  • This interface supports only passing the parameters that need to be modified, one or more can be passed; if none are passed, [Incomplete parameters] error will be reported
  • If the sub-class needs to modify the live playback of the recorded class, useCoMainRecord, recordState, recordType, liveState, and openState must be passed at the same time, otherwise a parameter error will be reported



HTTP Request Methods

  • POST

Encoding format

  • UTF-8

Request parameters

Header parameters

key Required Type Description
X-EEO-SIGN Yes string For signature generation rules, see here
X-EEO-UID Yes string Institution SID
X-EEO-TS Yes string Timestamp

Body Parameters

key Required Type Description Rule Description
courseId Yes integer Course ID Course ID (courseId) returned after course creation
classId Yes integer Section ID Section ID (classId) returned after section creation
className No string Subsection name Length does not exceed 50 characters
teacherUid No integer Lecturer UID (main course only) This parameter is only supported for main course. If you need to adjust the co-teacher of a sub-course, please use assistantUids
startTime No integer Course start time (main course only) 1. Unix Epoch timestamp (in seconds);
2. Only main course can be modified, sub-courses cannot be adjusted separately. When the main course is modified, the sub-course start time will be adjusted synchronously
3. You can choose a time within the next 2 years;
endTime No integer Course end time (main course only) 1. Unix Epoch timestamp (in seconds);
2. Only main course can be modified, sub-courses cannot be adjusted separately. When the main course is modified, the sub-course end time will be adjusted synchronously
assistantUids No array Co-teacher UID list No modification if not passed; Example: [1000082,1000083], UID is integer, no co-teacher if not passed
cameraHide No integer Whether to hide the seating area, 0 = display the seating area, 1 = hide the seating area No modification if not passed, when cameraHide=1, isAutoOnstage will always be set to 0
isAutoOnstage No integer Whether students automatically go on stage when entering the classroom, 1 = not automatically, 2 = automatically No modification if not passed
seatNum No integer Number of people on stage 1. No modification if not passed;
2. The number of people on stage for the new dual-teacher system is different from the V1 version of the course creation API; at this time, 7 = 1v6 on stage; Example: When 1 is passed, it means 1v0, and only the teacher's head portrait is displayed on the stage;
3. If the number of people on stage passed is greater than the maximum number of people on stage configured, it will be reset to the maximum number of people on stage
isHd No integer Whether it is HD, 0=non-HD, 1=HD, 2=Full HD Do not upload or modify; currently only supports 1v1 and 1v6, that is, seatNum=2 or seatNum=7
isDc No integer Dual camera mode, whether to turn on the secondary camera, 0=not turned on, 3=turn on the full HD secondary camera Do not upload or modify, only supports 1v1, that is, seatNum=2
useCoMainRecord No integer Use the recorded playback of the main course; 1=use, 0=not use (only supports sub-courses) useCoMainRecord is 1, the sub-course will ignore the relevant values ​​of the recorded live broadcast. After it is turned on, students can watch the recorded video of the main course on the client
recordType No integer Recording type, 0=record classroom, 1=record teacher, 2=record both No modification if not transmitted. If modification is required, the recording, live broadcast, and playback information must be transmitted at the same time, otherwise it will not take effect; sub-course modification also requires the transmission of useCoMainRecord
recordState No integer Whether to enable recording, 0=off, 1=on No modification if not transmitted; If webpage live broadcast or webpage playback is required, recording must be selected, otherwise webpage live broadcast and webpage playback cannot be enabled
liveState No integer Whether to enable live broadcast, 0=off, 1=on No modification if not transmitted. If webpage live broadcast is required, recording must be enabled
replayState No integer Whether to make replay public, 0=off, 1=on No modification if not transmitted. If webpage playback is required, recording must be enabled

Response parameters

Parameter name Type Example value Meaning
code integer 1 Error code
msg string "Program is running normally" Error message
data array Class data Return information array

Class data

Parameter name Type Example value Meaning
isMainClass integer 1 Whether it is the main class, 1=yes, 0=no
classId integer 4157912 Lesson ID
liveUrl string "https://www.eeo.cn/live.php?lessonKey=7a32f568ed7b725c" Live playback URL
liveInfo object {} Live stream information object
└ FLV string "https://liveplay.eeo.cn/eeolive/576f5a8ccf87-18329106c1ec9c2d2.flv?txSecret=57bd3671122a2e22a2fe306e8af2a0dd&txTime=7d8d37cd" FLV live stream address
└ HLS string "https://liveplay.eeo.cn/eeolive/576f5a8ccf87-18329106c1ec9c2d2.m3u8?txSecret=57bd3671122a2e22a2fe306e8af2a0dd&txTime=7d8d37cd" HLS live stream address
└ RTMP string "rtmp://liveplay.eeo.cn/eeolive/576f5a8ccf87-18329106c1ec9c2d2?txSecret=57bd3671122a2e22a2fe306e8af2a0dd&txTime=7d8d37cd" RTMP live stream address
code integer 1 error code
msg string "Program is running normally" error message


  • HTTP request
POST /lms/onlineDoubleTeacher/editClass HTTP/1.1
Host: root_url
X-EEO-SIGN: 284dab41f025cd7ecd2920575defb189
X-EEO-UID: 2669800
X-EEO-TS: 1732271416
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 357

    "courseId": 2337435,
    "classId": 4157055,
    "className": "Edit main course name and time",
    "startTime": 1732935660,
    "endTime": 1732950000,
    "teacherUid": 2669800,
    "assistantUids": [
    "seatNum": 8,
    "isHd": 0,
    "cameraHide": 0,
    "isAutoOnstage": 1,
    "liveState": 1,
    "openState": 1,
    "recordState": 1,
    "recordType": 1
  • Shell cURL Simulate request instructions
curl -X POST \
-H 'Host: root_url' \
-H 'X-EEO-SIGN: 284dab41f025cd7ecd2920575defb189' \
-H 'X-EEO-UID: 2669800' \
-H 'X-EEO-TS: 1732271416' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"courseId": 2337435, "classId": 4157055, "className": "Edit main course name and time", "startTime": 1732935660, "endTime": 1732950000, "teacherUid": 2669800, "assistantUids": [1340566], "seatNum": 8, "isHd": 0, "cameraHide": 0, "isAutoOnstage": 1, "liveState": 1, "openState": 1, "recordState": 1, "recordType": 1}' \

Response example (example of json data packet returned )

    "code": 1,
    "msg": "程序正常执行",
    "data": [
            "isMainClass": 1,
            "classId": 4157055,
            "liveUrl": "https://www.eeo.cn/live.php?lessonKey=84b978349296b821",
            "liveInfo": {
                "FLV": "https://liveplay.eeo.cn/eeolive/576f5a8ccf87-18329106c1f9d918c.flv?txSecret=4cb4e8a5aae291d6df409e97fd6dae8c&txTime=7d8d37cd",
                "HLS": "https://liveplay.eeo.cn/eeolive/576f5a8ccf87-18329106c1f9d918c.m3u8?txSecret=4cb4e8a5aae291d6df409e97fd6dae8c&txTime=7d8d37cd",
                "RTMP": "rtmp://liveplay.eeo.cn/eeolive/576f5a8ccf87-18329106c1f9d918c?txSecret=4cb4e8a5aae291d6df409e97fd6dae8c&txTime=7d8d37cd"
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "程序正常执行"
            "isMainClass": 0,
            "classId": 4157912,
            "liveUrl": "",
            "liveInfo": {},
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "程序正常执行"
            "isMainClass": 0,
            "classId": 4157913,
            "liveUrl": "",
            "liveInfo": {},
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "程序正常执行"

Error code description

Error code Description
104 Unknown error
124 Class time cannot be changed within one minute before class starts
136 There is no teacher under the institution, please add the teacher under the institution
140 The class is in progress and cannot be edited or deleted
142 There is no information about this single class under this course
143 There is no information about this single class
144 There is no course under this institution
145 This single class has ended
147 There is no information about this course
153 This course has expired
153 This course has expired
153 This course has expired
165 A single class cannot be less than 15 minutes and cannot exceed 24 hours
172 Students under the course cannot be added as teachers
173 Auditors under a course cannot be added as teachers
212 The course has been deleted
212 The course has been deleted
219 Teacher information does not exist
221 The client failed to modify the video on demand information of a single course
222 The client failed to modify the information of a single course
226 The live playback status of a class that has not been recorded cannot be modified
268 The class start time exceeds the allowed range
269 The class information is incorrect, please delete and recreate it
318 The co-teacher is not a teacher of this institution
318 The co-teacher is not a teacher of this institution
319 Students under a course cannot be added as co-teachers
320 Auditors under a course cannot be added as co-teachers
322 The class teacher cannot be added as a co-teachers
324 Failed to add the co-teacher to the teacher list
325 Transfer students cannot be added as teachers
326 Failed to add the co-teacher to the teacher list
328 Co-teacher cannot be added as a teacher
350 The class name, class time, cloud disk resources, number of people on stage, etc. cannot be modified within 20 minutes before the class starts
368 The current number of students on stage does not support HD
385 The class end time has passed, and the teaching teacher or co-teacher cannot be modified
387 The teacher has been deactivated
388 The co-teacher has been deactivated
450 The number exceeds the limit
451 Failed to add the class live cover and introduction
451 Failed to add the class live cover and introduction
454 The class start and end time overlap with the system maintenance time
767 The class end time of the current version is not allowed to exceed the service period
769 Teacher version or teacher trial version, the class teacher is not the teacher
800 The teacher is suspended
804 The co-teacher is suspended
808 This setting does not support dual cameras
863 The class duration does not meet the regulations
875 The class name, class time, cloud disk resources, number of people on the stage, classroom mode, etc. cannot be modified within 5 minutes before the class starts
884 The teacher account has been cancelled
885 The co-teacher account has been cancelled
21304 Non-primary and secondary schools do not support setting subjects
21305 The subject does not exist
21317 The number of co-teachers exceeds the limit
21319 The teacher has been deleted
101002005 Signature abnormality
101002006 Timestamp expired
101002008 Timestamp does not exist
121601005 Webpage live broadcast is not supported
121601006 Recording site is not supported
121601008 Co-teachers are not supported
121601009 Webpage playback is not supported
121601010 Recording classroom is not supported
121601012 Clarity exceeds the limit
121601020 Business parameter error
121601020 Server binding failed
121601021 The course does not belong to the current institution
121601022 The course is not a standard course
121601031 The lesson does not belong to the institution
121601032 The course does not belong to the institution
121601033 Course processing failed
121601034 This operation is not supported for non-online dual-teacher courses
121601035 The course name length cannot exceed 50
121601036 The teaching teacher information and class time cannot be modified for sub-courses
121601042 This operation is not supported for ended or deleted courses

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